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Workers Rights and How to Organize

Updated: Jul 21, 2022

The Green Workers Alliance believes that workers rights extend far beyond what the federal and state governments consider protected rights for workers. We will fight alongside you to win improved workplace conditions, better safety, and higher wages and benefits. Additionally, please reach out to us if you are experiencing any wage theft or nonpayment of wages. Here are some links to current workplace protections and laws so that you know your legal rights. But as always, we rise or fall based on how we organize and fight together.

Organizing with your co-workers to fight for what you need can seem very complicated. Don’t worry, you don’t need to do everything 100% correctly, as collective worker action is protected by law. We have compiled a simple step by step list to help get you started and outline some options.

Step 1: Please reach out to the Green Workers Alliance. We have a team of organizers who can help you. Whatever is happening at your workplace, safety violations, stolen wages, lack of equipment, we are more than willing and able to answer and questions and offer you tools to be successful in your fight. We highly suggest contacting us before going up against your boss alone! We fight and win together!

Step 2. Talk to your coworkers about issues they are having and see if they are willing to stand up and address said issues as well. Start by talking to co-workers that youve heard talk about issues on the job and co workers you are close with. Once you have a core group, reach back out to the Green Workers Alliance if we’re not walking regularly and schedule a phone call.

Step 3. Contact GWA to help create and spread a petition about what is going on at your workplace. This is an effective tool because it shows your employer that there are numbers of people supporting you that have eyes on the situation.

Step 4. Work with GWA and co workers to develop a media outreach plan to reach out to press and create shareable videos/graphics to share on social media. This will garner larger support and put pressure on your boss/company to meet your demands

Step 5. Schedule a meeting/call with other leaders and concerned co workers and GWA to develop a plan of action going forward about how to make sure demands are met.

Step 6. Don’t forget to keep any copies of contracts, write ups, notices or any correspondence including texts and emails from management in one place. This could even be a picture or screenshot of said document. This is important to do even if there is not a current issue, that information may be important down the line.

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