With great excitement, we launched our first fellowship for GWA members in February. Three GWA members were selected for a three-month program to develop their organizing skills and help build GWA.

On February 6, Brittney Linton, Maddey Strickland and Felicia Allen came to DC for a two-day training to kick off their fellowship. All work in the solar industry. Brittney lives in North Carolina, Maddey in Pennsylvania and Felicia in Ohio. We met with allies from the AFL-CIO and our communications firm Pacifica Strategies. Fellows practiced their rap to recruit new GWA members and then jumped right into online outreach in the massive solar and wind Facebook groups.
The fellows are deeply involved in our ongoing activities. They started by turning out GWA members for our monthly organizing committee call. They are helping recruit participants for our focus groups of renewable energy workers. These focus groups will help us decide which services to offer to members in the future. In the coming days, fellows will work with GWA partner Survivors Know to develop plans to fight sexual harassment and
gender-based violence.
Stay tuned for reports from the fellows about all this, as well as GWA tours to worksites and our upcoming temp agency and utility company campaigns. We have a lot going on and we're excited fellows are on board to help make it happen!