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On June 16-19, GWA joined over 4,000 other labor activists in Chicago at the largest Labor Notes conference to date. Dalia Bonilla, a solar worker from Texas and GWA spokesperson, said, “I've never been to anything like this in my life. I'm excited to take what I learn back to my solar family. After this, we are starting a job in Oklahoma with another temp agency so Lord knows we need this.” Dalia rode on a plane for the first time in 45 years to attend the conference!

While at Labor Notes, Dalia and organizer Nico Ries met up with three other GWA members at different workshops (and of course over pizza). When asked what was the most meaningful workshop, Dalia said, “ Definitely for me, the Organize the South workshop proved why we need to build unions, especially for us green workers because most of the big jobs are in Right-to-Work states, like my home in Texas."

Being able to build community with other building trades union activists and leadership especially around climate change issues and a just transition off of fossil fuels was very powerful and just what was needed to energize GWA leadership to double down on organizing in this sector. “I see GWA as crucial to the puzzle along with more traditional building trades unions to solve the issues around organizing the emerging and rapidly growing renewable energy field,” Nico said after a workshop on Solidarity along Supply Chains.

Several of our members who were unable to attend in person attended the main livestreamed sessions once they were off of work.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, June 30, 2022

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Green Workers Alliance Condemns WV v. EPA Ruling; Calls Out Big Utilities for Role in Climate Destruction

“We can’t rely on Washington to lead the way...Workers, consumers, and everyday citizens must lead the transition away from fossil fuels.”

Washington D.C. - In response to the Supreme Court’s decision in West Virginia v. EPA, Green Workers Alliance, a worker-power organization made of current and aspiring renewable energy workers, released the following statement:

Today’s outrageous decision in West Virginia v. EPA is the culmination of a long-running campaign by the fossil fuel industry and investor-owned utilities to take away the government’s abilities to regulate their dangerous emissions. The utility industry wants to keep us hooked on fossil fuels so they can rake in huge profits while emitting harmful and deadly pollution at the expense of the people, the planet, and workers. But we won’t let the far-right majority of the Supreme Court dictate our future. We are taking the fight directly to utility companies to force them to use more renewable energy and help create millions of good, green jobs.

“The West Virginia v. EPA decision will increase pollution and utility costs, making people sicker while lining the pockets of greedy politicians and corporations. We can’t rely on Washington to save us from climate change and we are running out of time. Now more than ever, we need to organize the people who can lead the transition away from fossil fuels: renewable energy workers,” said Matthew Mayers, Executive Director of Green Workers Alliance. “This is a tragic day for our communities and for the environment, but we have a plan to hold Big Utilities accountable.”

“Right now, people are being laid off from solar and wind jobs because projects are delayed or canceled. Many are going back to oil and gas jobs. Instead of weakening our ability to clean up our energy production, we need utilities to step in and buy more renewable energy so these projects get back on track. But with this new case and similar ones to possibly come forward, renewable energy workers may be even more displaced,” said Crystal McCoy, a heavy equipment operator on renewable energy projects and Green Workers Alliance member.

This devastating decision from a far-right Supreme Court that is out of step with the majority of the American public makes clear Washington will not lead the way on the transition to a green economy. Workers, consumers, and everyday citizens must shift our attention to Big Utility companies and demand they dramatically increase their renewable energy use and set higher labor standards for their renewable energy contractors. Labor, community, and environmental groups must coordinate pressure and hold utilities accountable in the fight for climate justice. With power from the grassroots, we will fight corporate greed and build a power sector that is good for the environment, workers, and utility customers.


Green Workers Alliance is a worker power organization made of current and aspiring renewable energy workers demanding a just transition off of fossil fuels and an investment into green energy.

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